
Welcome to Fresh Manna! My prayer is that this devotional post is a blessing to you in your walk with the Lord! My email is stndn4jesuschrist@gmail.com if you wish to contact me! May the Lord bless you for taking the time to read it!

Friday, December 30, 2022

The True Gifts of the Magi Part #3

The Wisemen that begain their journey in Faith, kept that TRUE gift of faith throughout the journey, until the Star, Jesus Himself, delivered them to Bethtlehem.All because of the faith of the other wisemen and women in the Old Testament,that had faith to stand for God and follow Him into the unknown! But the three gifts that we all most likely know are the three UNIQUE gifts; Gold, Frankincense, and Myrhh. But there is a reason they were given to Him in this specific order and HOW they were. Gold is the most precious or valued of stones/precious metals and respresents power and wealth. The wisemen knew from the Scriptures that the Saviour of Israel would be KING of the Jews, which is why they came to the palace,asking "Where is He that is born KING of the Jews.." Matt.2:2, and looking for the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Rev,16:19)! Where else should a King be? BUT, There was no error in the Word they received, as prophecy was usually combined,showing BOTH comings of our Lord together.The 2nd time He comes WILL be as King in New Jerusalem. So Gold was befitting a King, although He would have had untold amounts of it. BUT remember the prophecy that foretold the GOLD and INCENSE that would be brought when He was born (Ish 60)?This gold represented the fact that He would be King of kings, BUT it also went hand in hand with the other 2 gifts He was presented. This gold pictured the future payment for our sin debt as PAID IN FULL by the sinless, precious Blood of Jesus! 1 Peter says "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and GOLD, But with the PRECIOUS BLOOD of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot..for YOU." Friend, the Lord Jesus came and ordained, before He ever made this world, that He would die on the Cross and pay OUR sin debt IN FULL! HE is the ONLY ONE that could! He is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world! He was BORN to die for us!(John1:29)If Jesus has NEVER filled that empty void or hole in your heart, you can by simply ASKING HIM to, by getting saved! PLEASE cry out to Him today for it! He is standing right there beside you, waiting for you to ask HIm! He turns NO ONE AWAY!"For WHOSOEVER calleth upon the name of the Lord SHALL be SAVED." Romans 10:13 No amount of gold on or in this the earth can ever pay your way into Heaven, or pay a loved one out of purgatory/hell. It is JESUS BLOOD and His death, burial, and resuurection that does! Please come to this King of Kings that has His throne room open to ANYONE- Jew or Gentile, and humbly as He came today! Turning from your sin and self, to Him alone, just as these Wisemen did. They HUMBLY WORSHIPPED HIM (Matt.2:11). They admitted they were in the prescence of ROYALTY, and by Faith bowed and worshipped! Christian friends; today may we remember today to do the same. Let us humbly come to our King in praise and worship for WHO He is, and what He did for us,thanking Him, and for what HE is GOING TO DO for us!!! One day, we can literally bow before King Jesus and do the same! This pic is Frankincense in its form from the plant before the oil is abstracted from it-notice the bloom is in the shape of a CROWN!! For a King of Kings-the next post will talk about it.

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