
Welcome to Fresh Manna! My prayer is that this devotional post is a blessing to you in your walk with the Lord! My email is stndn4jesuschrist@gmail.com if you wish to contact me! May the Lord bless you for taking the time to read it!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jesus Loves Me This I Know....

Today for Sunday School, my class made a card for their mothers. They colored a picture of a mother reading the Bible to her little boy, and then we glued a poem I wrote about mothers on the back. Our lesson was from Isaiah 66:13 "As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you;...". As I studied for the lesson, the Lord showed me how He cares for us as a mother does for her children. I thought about how my Moma would take care of all five of us, get us fed and ready for the day, and then get us to bed at the end of it. She worked continually cleaning house and running errands for the home and my Daddy's business. She took care of us over and over when we were sick. But most of all, my Moma always made sure we were in church. She would read Bible stories to us sometimes at night. She constantly helped us learn our Bible verses. We KNEW that loving Jesus was the most important thing, and that we need to be saved. By God's grace, all five of us have asked the Lord to save us. I know it was Him that did this, but He used both of our parents in a great way in doing so. Just as the Lord gives us daily bread from His Word, heals us as the Great Physician when we are sick, and tells us of His love for us in His Word, so did my Moma. Just as Jesus loves us like we were His ONLY CHILD, my Moma did with all five of us. Never showing favoritism, as my bottom can testify! :) But, I'm thankful for that correction, just as He continues to correct me now. So, today on Mother's Day, I thank you Lord for my Moma. I pray for your grace to help me raise my children in You, just as she did. Thank you for this wonderful blessing, I definitely didn't deserve. I love you Moma!

The poem the kids gave their Moms...

Jesus Loves Me This I Know...
 Jesus loves me this I know,
For my Moma tells me so!
From her Bible she tells me,
Of the Cross at Calvary.

 Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Moma loves me,
Yes, they take care of me,
For the Bible tells me so!

Everyday Moma gives me love,
Just like Jesus up above,
Feeds me with my daily bread,
And God's Manna like He said.

Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Moma loves me,
Yes, they both feed me,
For the Bible tells me so!

Even when I'm hurt or ill,
Moma gives me comfort still,
Prays for Jesus to heal me,
His tender love she helps me see!

Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Moma loves me!
Yes, they both comfort me!
Thank God He made it so!

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