
Welcome to Fresh Manna! My prayer is that this devotional post is a blessing to you in your walk with the Lord! My email is stndn4jesuschrist@gmail.com if you wish to contact me! May the Lord bless you for taking the time to read it!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

If You Only Knew.......(Part 1)

Wouldn't it be great if you only knew what was coming down the road of life  ahead of you?? I'm not referring to what is going to happen as far as the world is concerned. We know that from prophecy in the Bible. I am talking about details in your PERSONAL LIFE. Stop and think about that for a moment: IF you knew for sure, how would it affect you?? What would it do with your walk with the Lord? In the Bible, the Lord gave us some examples of a few people that were told what would happen to them in their lives, for the Lord's sake, and what their response was. 

In the Old Testament, Hosea was prophet used of the Lord to call Israel back to Himself. Hosea was told by the Lord what would happen to his family before he was even married!!! He told Hosea who to go marry and what would happen in their marriage. This information that was foretold to him was NOT GOOD to say the least. Hosea 1:2 says the Lord told him to take unto a specific woman named GOMER. The meaning of her name "completion or filling up of wickedness," describes what would become of her. She would become an adultress, and have two children from someone else. She would leave Hosea and even become a slave. He would even send the children to beg & plead with their mother to come home (Hos. 2:1&2).  Yet knowing this, Hosea obeyed the command of the Lord!!! Through his obedience, as the prophet of God to Israel, the Lord would speak through this husband/wife relationship. Hosea was told of the Lord to go and REDEEM his wife from the slave auction block (Hs. chapter3) and bring her back home! He told her that she would be for him ONLY and that he would be for her ONLY. Would it surprise you that Hosea's name means "Savior or Salvation"?? WHAT A PICTURE OF THE LORD'S LOVE FOR US!!! Despite our sins and turning our backs on the Lord, HE STILL FORGIVES US AND RECEIVES US BACK IN LOVE!!!! Think of the personal heartache for Hosea and his family in order to be used of the Lord for HIS GLORY!!!! Verse 5 of chapter 3 says that they served the Lord and had goodness in their latter days!!!  Wow! What a godly example in Hosea to follow!!!  What would you do??? Listen to the Isaacs as they sing "I've Come To Take You Home" 
(Part 2 tomorrow)

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