
Welcome to Fresh Manna! My prayer is that this devotional post is a blessing to you in your walk with the Lord! My email is stndn4jesuschrist@gmail.com if you wish to contact me! May the Lord bless you for taking the time to read it!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"Ruthless Attitude!" Part 1

When we think of the word "Ruthless", we think of someone that is evil, selfish, and lacking mercy. If I could, I would like to use this, as a play on words, to describe a famous lady in the Bible~Ruth. The name "Ruth" itself means, kind, beautiful, and friend, or friend of God. She lived  her life true to her name's meaning. How then can this lady be described as "Ruthless?"  She lived a life for the Lord that was full of kindness and mercy to others, and completely SELFLESS. Since she was selfless, she was 'Ruth' -less!(Get it?) This woman was a great example to us from God's Word of how we should live a selfless life, and have a selfless, or "Ruthless Attitude."

First of all Ruth had a "Ruthless Salvation."She was from the pagan country Moab, and married into a Hebrew family that worshiped the only true God, Jehovah.She saw something different about this family.When Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem, after the death of her husband and two sons, Ruth had a decision to make. She saw that He was the only ONE that could save her. ( Ruth 1; 7&8) She had a choice to make. Would she turn her life over to the God of Israel, cling to her Mother-in-law and follow her to a new land? This was Ruth's time of decision (vs8). Would she accept the Lord as her God now, as her Saviour, and  go, or return to her old life as she knew it? (vs. 14&15). She had to decide THEN! The Lord says, ”TODAY is the day of salvation” II Corth. 6:2.We are not promised tomorrow, just as Ruth was not.  Her only chance to be saved, leave her old life,  and start living a new life was then at that moment! How about you friend? Have you come to that point in your life? If you never have, NOW IS THE TIME! This could be your last chance on this side of eternity to accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour! Just as Ruth could not save herself from Moab, we cannot save ourselves from Hell! Jesus is the ONLY ONE that can bring us out, cleanse us from our sin, and put us in His Family to serve Him! Please call on Him while He is near! Ask Him alone to forgive you of your sin! Will He? Yes!!! "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord SHALL BE SAVED!" Romans 10:13.Ruth chose to go with God. Chapter 1:16 &17 says she told Naomi, "thy people shall be my people, and thy God, my God...the Lord do so to me and more also, if ought but death part me and thee.” She called Him LORD and showed she had accepted Him to save her and now serve Him with her life. Her salvation was free from self. WE can NEVER be selfless, or have this attitude, without the Holy Spirit living in us. We must first have Christ as our Lord and Saviour to do so.

Secondly, she had a “Ruthless” Relocation. Ruth was “steadfastly minded” to GO WITH NAOMI! 1:18. She was trusting God with her life and died to ‘SELF’ that day. Gal 2:20 says, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." Her salvation put her on a new road of life with a new destination. She hadn’t passed this way before (Ruth 2:11)-it was all new to her. She had a new family, new way of living ,and a new country to call home.She was willing to leave all she had know to serve her new Saviour. How about us? Are we willing to do the same? Ruth had just been saved only a few minutes and was willing to go to another country. Some Christians have been saved for YEARS and have not been willing to go across the street to tell someone about the Lord! Through the eyes of faith Ruth was willing to relocate and go Matt. 16:24 “… if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” . Do we have a “whither thou goest, I WILL GO” Attitude? Ruth 1:16?

Now, she had a “Ruthless” Vocation. Ruth 2: 2&3 tells us Ruth was ready to go and work! She didn’t wait on others to do what needed to be done. She saw the need, then she requested permission TO WORK, and went to it! We need to ask the Lord what HE wants us to do! WE need to have a willingness to work!- If you have a desire to work for the Lord He WILL GIVE YOU A JOB TO DO!! Where God guides He provides! Ruth 2: 5-7. Ruth headed to the barley fields to start reaping grain for their need of food. She was determined to take care of her mother-in-law. She had been working since early morning. She didn’t want to miss a thing, and was steadfast in work. Verse 17 of chapter 2 says she beat out an ephah of barley (35 lbs). Ruth worked hard!  Eccel. 9:10 says,:Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,do it with thy might."  You will get out what you put in! How about us in our work for the Lord, and getting what we need FROM HIM for our strength of spiritual food, as she selflessly reaped their physical food? What about our time in prayer? Bible reading? Witnessing? The Mercy drops are usually OUR FAULT, NOT THE LORD’S! We will reap what we sow! Just as Boaz blessed Ruth, so will the Lord for us!  Vs 7-10 says the Lord gave her Provision, in preference vs. 8, protectionvs9, and provision vs. 16. Boaz instructed his reapers to drop  "handfuls of purpose for her.." 2:16. The Lord will PURPOSELY PROVIDE in our work for Him and our personal needs, not withholding a thing! WE HAVE TO BE THE ONES TO WORK AND REAP!

She had  “Ruthless” Recognition:   Ruth didn't  draw attention to herself & what she was doing. Boaz recognized her and rewarded her for the work AND the  reason for doing so, vs. 11-16.When we have a Godly Testimony,others will see the Lord on us. They see when it is Him that is being uplifted and not our self. This brings blessings from the Lord. Here, Boaz is a type of Christ. He gave her honor and reward, Ch.2:12. He saw her labor and commanded her to, as we say, “stay by the stuff” vs.21&22. This was her place of service. We have a certain place the Lord wants us to work as well. We are to stay THERE until the Lord moves us elsewere. We need to work for the right reason while we are there~Work for the Lord-not the reward!  He knows why we serve Him, whether it is for self, or for Him! Heb. 4:12 says that His Word is"a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Let the Lord be the One to bring honor and recognition to your work for Him!

 Ruth was Selfless in her Salvation, Relocation, Vocation, and Recognition. We have to be Selfless in ALL of our work for the Lord as well. Tomorrow, part two of "Ruthless Attitude" will be posted. Praying you have a great "Ruthless" Day for the Lord!!!!

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