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This lady of God had “Ruthless“ Consideration of others. To be selfless in service, we HAVE TO THINK OF OTHERS FIRST! Ruth had every right according to this world’s eyes to be focused on only her needs. She seemed to have to fend for herself. But, she was trusting in her Lord to supply each and everyone. Putting her trust in the LORD first to supply them and leaving her concerns there, she then turned her attention toward the needs of others. The Lord used Boaz to provide for Ruth’s needs. He had called her to eat at his table at mealtime, Ch.2:14. She was comforted, spoken friendly to, and PERSONALLY fed until she could eat no more!!( 2:13&14. But, even in this great blessing, Ruth did not forget the need of her Mother-in-law. She wanted to share the blessings of God with her. Verse 18 tells us that Ruth “..gave to her that she had reserved after she was sufficed.” She had enough and to spare from the blessing of the Lord, and gave her abundance to Naomi. Is that not what we are supposed to do? Our abundance should supply someone else’s lack. II Corinthians 8:14 says “but by an equality that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, ..). Ruth could have “pigged out” on the buffet without a second thought of Naomi! But she chose not to. She gave from a heart of love.What do we do with our blessings? Do we stingily hold on to them, hoarding them, or let the over flow go to others? I John 3:17 says “But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” The Lord provided enough to meet Ruth’s needs AND SOMEONE ELSE’S! We can ALL BE“sufficed”. God’s supply pantry is NEVER EMPTY! Someone else’s lack MAY be because of our sin of indifference or inconsideration. Physical or spiritual! May the Lord help us to always consider the needs of others. “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10.
Ruth was “Ruthless“ in her Supplication: Naomi saw Ruth’s need in return. She knew she needed a husband, being a young woman. 3:1. “Shall I not seek rest for thee?’ She told her Boaz was a near kinsman, and instructed her in how she needed to approach him concerning this. Older saints NEED to instruct the younger in the things of the Lord. Instruction in prayers, seeking God’s face, and what to do in time of need. Naomi did this for Ruth. Ruth instructed her in the way of approaching Boaz about redeeming her, Chapter 3:3-5. She told her to anoint herself, and put on raiment. In essence, she was to ”Clean up” from work in the world. Here again, Boaz is a type of Christ. We need to be “clean” spiritually when coming to the Lord. We have to first confess sin to have a clean heart when entreating the Lord. “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me” Psalm 66:18. We need to come discreetly and humbly, in our prayer closet, without anyone else knowing, not blowing a trumpet as the Pharisees did. (Matt. 6:5 &6) She obeyed Naomi’s command vs. 6. She could have refused and said, “I want a young, good looking man!” I don’t want him! But, she wanted what THE LORD WANTED FOR HER! She died to self, becoming “Ruthless”. But, God’s Will became her desire. Vs.9 “I am Ruth thine handmaiden.. “ she had seen the kindness of Boaz and his favor and she had given herself and heart to Him! She said I am thine! Oh that we would do the same in God’s choice for our life, and in giving our hearts to Him! She confessed he was her kinsman. Kinsman simply means, “redeemer!” She brought her supplication to the only one that could help her and that loved her~_Her REDEEMER! In saying this she confessed he was the only one for her. Boaz had loved Ruth from the start-Ch 2 5-12. Now, she “loved him because he first loved us! “ I John 4:19. Bring your supplications to the One who can supply them. Boaz KNEW SHE HAD A NEED FROM THE START! He has been waiting in love to work in HIS TIME to supply the need! Matthew 6:8 says, “..for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of , BEFORE ye ask Him.” He knew who she was, that he was her kinsman, and that lawfully SHE NEEDED REDEEMING, which was her need. He sent her away with a little piece of what was to come vs. 14, 15 & 17., in assurance that He would meet her need. The Lord will send us away from prayer in ASSURANCE too, by giving us peace that passes all understanding, that He will meet the supplication and need as Boaz was going to Ruth’s!
Then, Ruth had a “Ruthless“ Vacation! Ruth returned to Naomi in the morning. Naomi asked “Who art thou my daughter?” Wanting to know what Boaz had told her. She told Naomi the blessing he had sent with her. Naomi let her know this was a promise that He was at work! He had supplied what the two women would need until His work was done to supply the bigger need at hand! All of the work Ruth was supposed to do was finished. He waited for her “working” to be done, so she could fully depend on him. When she finally stopped “working” and came to him, THEN he gave assurance and began to do what ONLY he could do!”Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him” Psalm 37:7. She had obeyed and now was to REST, OR TAKE A VACATION, until the Lord moved. She left the burden with Boaz and rested in his provision! Leave your burden with Jesus! Stop trying to “work” it all out by yourself. Even if it is in good intentions! Let Him bear the load we cannot! Rest in His love, waiting to see how the matter will fall into His plan. Rest in the assurance He provides us in our heart from His word, and promise in prayer! Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call unto me, AND I WILL ANSWER THEE, and shew thee GREAT AND MIGHTY THINGS, which thou knowest not!” He is at work! He wants us to rest! Only HE CAN WORK ALL THINGS FOR OUR GOOD!
Lastly, there was her “Ruthless” Redemption! Ruth was not left without help or hope! She was in debt to creditors and those in possession of her late husband’s land and property, thus needing to be redeemed according to law. She could not redeem herself. She had come to the one that could do so though! Boaz first had to confront a ‘NEARER” KINSMAN than he. This kinsman by right, or the first in line, had no THOUGHT to redeem Ruth. He was only concerned with the advantage of gain, and self promotion. This is exactly way Boaz set him up the way he did. He propositioned him appealing to his pride. By law he was not REQUIRED to marry Ruth because he wasn’t her bro in law. BUT, if he wanted the right to the Land for his gain, HE WOULD HAVE TO MARRY HER! This nearer kinsman was only concerned with self gain. He wanted this great opportunity for self advancement until he found out that she was a Gentile! He could not redeem her to “mar” his own inheritance, Ch4:6. This man was claiming the law of rules for his righteousness and holiness, INSTEAD of receiving the law of God‘s love! “For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, having not submitted themselves unto the righteousness Of God.” Romans 10:3. He confessed Himself in vs. 6 unable to redeem the debt “for I cannot redeem it, lest I mar mine own inheritance.” Romans 3:21 says the same thing. Self righteousness ALWAYS strives for keeping self pure and holy in their own eyes-does not see the need to help others OR see themselves IN need of help oF a Saviour. Is this not what the young rich man did when He confronted Jesus about eternal life? He proclaimed his own goodness in keeping the law, UNTIL Jesus hit him at the heart of the matter! When he told him to go sell ALL that he owned and give to the poor-it flat out GRIEVED this man! Romans 13:18 says that”love IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW!” “For God soooo loved the World, that HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON…” John 3:16. Boaz had openly showed that the first kinsman, the law, could not redeem Ruth because of his own interest of self holiness and goodness, but most of all HE DID NOT LOVE HER! BOAZ DID! The Law COULD NOT SAVE, BUT A LOVING REDEEMER DID! “BUT BEFORE FAITH came, we were kept under the law, shup up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified BY FAITH. BUT AFTER THAT FAITH IS COME, WE ARE NO LONGER UNDER A SCHOOLMASTER.“ Galatians 6:23-25.This is exactly why he set the other kinsman up this way, to make it an open show of what was as plain as the nose on his face! Colossians 2:14-17tells us that Jesus did the same thing! Boaz loved Ruth first, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself for us. “WE love him because He FIRST LOVED US!” I John 4:19. He gave up the throne of Glory for a while, came to this filthy earth, to save sinners. Not Jews only, but Gentiles as well! “BUT …The Gospel of Christ…is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and ALSO TO THE GREEK!” Romans 1:16. Jesus, our Boaz, did what the law, good works, and false religion could not do! He saved us and brought us to Himself, making us His own! Just as Boaz went and paid the price for Ruth, so has Jesus for us! I find it interesting that the other man’s name is not even recorded. He wanted so bad to be recognized for his holiness, that the Lord didn’t even think it was worth honoring him to record his name. BUT, praise God he not only recorded Ruth’s name as a righteous person, writing it in the Lamb’s Book of life, but he put her into the bloodline of Christ! Only Christ could do this! He has done the same for us! Boaz then took Ruth to be with him. One day our kinsman redeemer will take us, His Bride, to be with Him forever. Our redemption is an actual event to take place , not a fairy tale love story! Someday our “Prince of Peace’” is coming. Just as Boaz, he has already given us the promise! Luke 21:28 Our Redemption draweth nigh.
Until that day comes, may the Lord help us to have a Ruthless Salvation, Relocation, Vocation, Recognition, Consideration, Supplication, and best of all Redemption!