
Welcome to Fresh Manna! My prayer is that this devotional post is a blessing to you in your walk with the Lord! My email is stndn4jesuschrist@gmail.com if you wish to contact me! May the Lord bless you for taking the time to read it!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Come and See (Part 1)

The first thing we usually say when we see something that amazes us or we find very interesting is " You've GOT to Come and See This!!" The Bible is FULL of examples where people used these same words, including the LORD HIMSELF! So... "COME AND SEE the works of God;.." Psalm 66:5!

1) Come and See Salvation!  The LORD Jesus was the FIRST to use this term to 2 of John the Baptist's disciples. He had preached "Behold (or look to) the LAMB of GOD!" John 1:36. Now that Jesus was there, Andrew and one other disciple looked and left John to follow Jesus! Verse 38 says Jesus turned  and saw them following Him, and asked them what they were seeking. They said Rabbi, or Master, where dwellest Thou? They wanted to know where the Lord lived. Why? They wanted to know where they could learn from Him, where they could meet with Him, and spend time with the Great Master, Saviour, and Teacher, JESUS!! The Lord's reply was simply , "COME AND SEE." vs.39. The LORD Himself wants to us to COME to HIM FIRST in FAITH, as these men did, believing He IS THE LAMB OF GOD! He turns NO ONE away! He WANTS us to COME to Him. The action of coming to Him is NOT what saves us, but the FAITH that produced the action IS what saves us!! "For by grace are ye saved through FAITH..." Eph. 2:8. Jesus WANTS to restore us to Himself and to have sweet FELLOWSHIP with Him after He saves us!
These 2 disciples went home with the Lord and stayed with Him all day, until around 4pm. They answered Jesus' call to COME AND SEE and were filling themselves with every word He spoke and was spending time with Him in private. They WANTED to get to know their new Master and learn of Him. They didn't want to leave! Christian friend, WHAT are we desiring? Do we want to spend that same time of fellowship in private prayer and Bible reading, so He can teach US one on one?? Are we more amazed by what the world has to offer instead of the ONE that CREATED the world?? What has caught our attention the most THIS DAY????

This CALL to "COME AND SEE" from the Lord Jesus is still open to ALL today!! Have you answered it to COME AND SEE Him as the Saviour?? If not, He is STILL WAITING for YOU to COME AND SEE HIM TODAY! Christian friend: the Lord leaves the invitation for us to "COME AND SEE" Him daily! He has something NEW He WANTS to teach us daily! He wants us to visit with Him and have that sweet one on one time with Him. One day, Praise God, it will be FACE TO FACE!! What will you "COME AND SEE" today?????

(Part 2 soon coming)